Trying this again: Philly and more…

Philadelphia City Hall
Originally uploaded by etacar11

Ok, hopefully Flickr will like my new blog better.

I visited Philadelphia again in September, just a couple of weeks after going there for the Nine Inch Nails concert. What can I say, I can’t get enough of the place. This time it was for the MEETin Celebration. I was staying just a few blocks from City Hall, one of the most beautiful buildings in the city. It was a fun three days. The highlights included visiting the Barnes Foundation, a great museum full of impressionist paintings; and running through the haunted house at Eastern State Penitentiary.

The day after I returned from Philly, I had to go on a business trip to the New Orleans area. I hadn’t been down there since 1991. I didn’t have much chance to sightsee but we (me and some of the other attendees of the meeting I was at) did take an evening to visit Bourbon Street. It was fun, but kinda gross considering that it seems like every other place on that street is a strip club. If I get sent down there again, I’ll have to take a couple of days and see the real sights of the city.

Tomorrow, my parents and I are doing our second lighthouse challenge, the New Jersey one. Last May we did the one on Long Island. Maryland’s unfortunately was during my trip to Philly. Maybe next year.

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